The Full Story
Our lives together started in high school, while Jill was in grade 10 and Luke was in Grade 12. We both came from farming backgrounds. Jill grew up on a beef cattle operation ran by her grandfather and father, who had previously ran a commercial dairy operation. Luke grew up just down the road from our current farm and spent time here with his grandfather and father, which was a subsistence homestead, primarily feeding their families. When we got married in 1997, farming was not really on our minds. When we moved into the farm in 1999, after Luke's father's death, we still weren't thinking about farming. As we had kids, we realized that we have always derived great pleasure from being around farm animals and we began to realize we wanted our kids to be exposed to the same experiences we had. We brought farming back to our farm for the first time in 5-10 years starting in 2002 or so. At that time it was primarily chickens and commercial pigs. Around 2016 we added nubian goats. Jill's grandfather and Luke's father had both previously raised Hereford cattle and in 2018, we were so proud to bring Hereford cattle back to the farm and our herd has steadily grown since. At this stage, we certainly don't know very much about farming, but we have learned a great deal about animal husbandry, births, deaths and everything in between. Farming is a profession where you will learn until your last day of doing it! Today we have draft horses, that we use for working fields and logging, Donkeys and Armenian Gampr dogs for livestock protection, Milking shorthorn dairy cows, Hereford beef cows, Pure Bred Registered Katahdin hair sheep, Pure Bred Registered Large Black Hogs, ducks, geese and Heritage Breed egg laying chickens of many varieties.

Our mission is to nourish our bodies and souls with the products of our efforts and our soils. Working with kindness and respect for our animals not only provides excellent nourishment for our bodies, but the life we live with our animals provides nourishment for our minds and souls. Additionally, we enjoy opening up our lives and farm to share with others both digitally and in person.

Our vision is to find meaningful work for both Jill and Luke on the farm, without having to work off the farm (Jill still may because she loves her kiddos!), by supporting ourselves through Agri-Tourism, Education and products from our farm, while maintaining our commitment to high standards of animal welfare, sustainability and organic principles similar to those practiced by our grandfathers and great grandfathers.